We humans fell from grace because we ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and evil. We became aware of sin and so we let the accuser rule our lives.
Jesus repairs that by getting those that believe him to be foregiven by God the Father.
So the Father no longer sees the sin only the Faith in His Son.
Similarly, while it is perfectly possible to sin against a Christian, All good Christians should forgive you.
It is not that there was no sin but the foregiveness removes the sin and removes it from any tally book. The Christian should let the sin go at the foot of the cross.
In both cases Christ's foregiveness is returning us to the sinless state.
In the first case God is no longer aware of our sin and in the second we are no longer aware of our own sin nor the sins of others.
These are ideal states and most Christians fail to foregive every sin and we do not rely on the righteousness of God nearly enough.
Jesus repairs that by getting those that believe him to be foregiven by God the Father.
So the Father no longer sees the sin only the Faith in His Son.
Similarly, while it is perfectly possible to sin against a Christian, All good Christians should forgive you.
It is not that there was no sin but the foregiveness removes the sin and removes it from any tally book. The Christian should let the sin go at the foot of the cross.
In both cases Christ's foregiveness is returning us to the sinless state.
In the first case God is no longer aware of our sin and in the second we are no longer aware of our own sin nor the sins of others.
These are ideal states and most Christians fail to foregive every sin and we do not rely on the righteousness of God nearly enough.