The word was left for you




This document is a branch of metaphysics, an exploration of the foundation of existence and whether it could be based on words.

Most people are not interested in foundation myths, theoretical physics, the Bible's New testament Genesis, or other creation myths. Let alone comparing them. If you are not interested, I am surprised you got this far. Read no further. My apologies for wasting your time.

About a third of you are Christian. You already believe that St John 1:1-5 is the foundation of existence.

However, You might find it interesting as it emphasises some truths from the Bible that are less emphasised by most churches.

You may also find ideas that show that Christianity and science are parallel searches for truth. Ideas that may be useful in discussions with those that believe scientific method replaces Christianity as the central pillar of truth.

There are others who govern their life by another religion or philosophy. All of which are defined by words. However, almost none of you have investigated what that foundation of words means about existence. If you want to know, read on.

Most professional metaphysicians are theoretical physicists. This document highlights an oversight that is important to them.

The fundamental forces of existence are communicated across time and space, that communication is far from perfect. For instance if lightening makes mistakes in following the path of least resistance between cloud and earth, then that path is no longer mathematically defined. If it makes mistakes, then future becomes unpredictable. If there are mistakes in the transmission of fundamental forces, It means that not everything in physics is mathematical and it explains why there is a direction to time.

Many of you would call yourselves atheists. This document discusses the possibility that God is logically provable. If you want to check it and correct it, read on. This document is a search for truth. All corrections are welcome.