The word was left for you


Introduction to the rest of the site.

An introduction to Plato.  Without the Word we cannot exist:
The Word
Equating the Word to God as the foundation of all existence. St John1:1-5

A twelve Page  Look at the Word or God:
An introduction to the search for the love of God in abstract existence
A deeper look into these ideas following the logical argument as to why this is true.

The full thesis in word format can be obtained on request just post a comment.
 It takes 30+ minutes to load as HTML.

A slightly boring but very detailed study of how to drive economically:
The fine art of driving gently
It took over two years of studying my driving habits to write.

A radical look at the possibilities of applying love to business and sustainability Love is the answer to peak oil
Something I wrote a while ago and needs a lot more work to become a viable business plan. It needs God's blessing before it can happen.
A Spiritual life is being terribly sad and over joyed at the same time.

Terribly sad because of the billion people starving in the world due to the inhumanity of man unto man and the lack of self discipline in the world.  That we cannot control our worldly desires.

Overwhelming Joy for all the wonderous things God has given us and the love that we share with family friends and the community around us.

The pain of knowing when we get it wrong we hit the nail that much further into the heart of Jesus and the joy of knowing he forgives us and loves us if we just hold on to the life line of faith he throws us.